What have I forgotten this time? That’s the question that plagues me each year. If I’m lucky it’s ‘I’ve forgotten that I haven’t forgotten anything’. No such luck. I had forgotten that Pontlands may not be available in 2025. (Spoiler Alert! A new Venue has been located.)
Soldiering on, the display tables are laid out, tables are identified by name and number and the program of events, AGM minutes and agendas, and financial statements are distributed, all thanks to your Committee members. Phew!
Great; time to relax before the esteemed members arrive. Not a chance, because now they start arriving. First as a trickle and then as a torrent.
Meanwhile Gillian is handing out tickets and name tags, which this year are clip-on badges. Hopefully these will prove to be more durable than the sticky labels previously used.
Among the arrivals is a very youthful face, the owner is none other than Chris Axcell, Senior Vice President, Integrated Sensing & Protection from Leonardo.
As the start draws near the Committee and Guests assemble for the annual photo-shoot before taking their places at the lunch.
MVA 2024 Committee
Left to Right: Back Row: David Roscoe, Dave Lowry (Guest Speaker), Chris Axcell (Leonardo), Judith King (Guest), Mark Watson-Lee (Newsletter editor), Gillian Drake, Andrew Sosin (Guest), J Sosin (Guest) , Chris Gardiner, Eric Peachey (Vice-Chairman), Claire Lucas, Brian Izzard (Chairman), Colin Fletcher (Secretary), Barry Powell, David Frost (Hon. Treasurer).
Seated : Val Cleare, Peter Turrall (Patron), Christine Powell (Member), Alan Matthews (2024 President),
…And So It Begins…
The luncheon commenced in the usual fashion with sartorial MC Veteran David Frost introducing the Top Table.
Left to Right; Brian Izzard (Chairman), Chris Axcell (Leonardo), Eric Peachey (Vice-Chairman)
Serving commenced as Brian gave the welcoming speech to the ensembled attendees, whose number this year was the largest since the Covid lockdowns.
Meanwhile as the Top Table waited to be served the Reunion took a slightly different start. Andrew Sosin the son of Boleslaw Sosin gave a brief talk about his father.
Many of us I am sure will remember Boleslaw, who held a prominent position in Marconi as the Chief Scientist. Not forgetting that for many years he was the oldest Veteran at the Reunion.
Andrew Sosin
The Usual Suspects
Following the meal, which unfortunately elicited numerous disappointing comments, coffee is served to a cheerful ensemble; and as can be seen from the following photograph of the tent, it was well attended.
Many more photographs are on our web site: www.marconi-veterans.org (which were taken by Graham Chorley)
Following the meal as everyone relaxes it was time for the …
It began with Chris Axcell, Senior Vice President of the Leonardo site at Basildon, giving a brief introduction to himself and the work at Basildon.
Chris Axcell
The Association is extremely grateful to the Basildon site for the continued support we have received over the years. Without this support it would be difficult for the Association to continue.
Alan ‘Matty’ Matthews was the President for this year and gave a speech on the history of the Radar company in line with the theme for 2024.
Alan ‘Matty’ Matthews
As is now the tradition, Alan introduced the Guest Speaker David Lowry.
David Lowry
David Lowry from the RAF Air Defence Radar Museum complemented the President’s speech by providing details of his experiences with the S600 radar in the Falklands.
Click here for an article on the RAF Air Defence Radar Museum
Once again the Veterans showed their appreciation by passing all of the items on the AGM agenda with astonishing speed.
Once again the raffle took place thanks to the efforts of Claire Lucas who organised the tickets. Mention and thanks must also go to all those who donated the raffle prizes to help raise extra funds for the MVA coffers.
And so, with a surprising number of name tags returned the 2024 Reunion ended.
Note: Should any Veteran or Associate wish for a set of four or six tablemats for any year, please contact the Secretary for prices and availability.
Next year the 2025 Reunion will be held at The County Hotel on the 12th April 2025
Note: For more photos and articles and copies of past newsletters please visit the website https://marconi-veterans.org/