Dear Fellow Member, First, let me wish all Veteran and Associate Members a healthy and safe 2025.
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome all new members to the Association and hope to see you at the Annual Reunion, which will be held on Saturday 12th April, 2025 and will be our 88th Reunion.
This year the County Hotel, Chelmsford will be hosting the Reunion (please refer to the Chairman’s Foreword in the 2025 Newsletter). The change in venue I am sure will be popular with Members due to the close proximity to the Rail and Bus stations and the availability of Park & Ride. In addition, the County Hotel has its own car park, which is ‘first come, first served’ and free of charge for its patrons. If you do arrive by car please remember to register your car at the hotel reception or you will get a parking ticket!.
In the event no parking spaces are available alternative parking is here:-
Fairfield Road car park ->
Coval Lane car park ->
Townfield Street car park ->
This year your Management Committee has decided on the theme of ‘Present and Future’. There will be various displays and the merchandise table will, again, be located in the dining area. There will be plenty of time to enjoy meeting up with other attendees until it is time for the luncheon. This will take place, as usual, at 1.00 p.m. with the Annual General Meeting and the Raffle concluding the proceedings. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to ring me on 01245 267696.
Attendees will be able to make purchases of merchandise by Credit or Debit Card.
You also need Credit or Debit Card for purchases at the bar as the Hotel is now cashless.
However, please remember to bring cash for the raffle tickets.
We are, again, producing a Reunion Coaster and one per person is included in the ticket price. There will also be additional coasters, for sale, plus some coasters from previous years as well as a number of Ties and Badges.
Our President for 2025 is Chris Axcell (Senior Vice President, Leonardo, Basildon) .
Our Honoured Guest is Adam Wood (Teledyne e2v, and Chelmsford Science and Engineering Society).
This year, we have chosen the following from the caterer’s menu: -
- Starter - Smoked Salmon, Lemon Mayo with Granary Bread
- Vegetarian - Goat’s Cheese & Red Onion Tart with Rocket
- Main Course - Roast Sirloin of Beef & Yorkshire Pudding with Pan Juices (Served with vegetables. Roast or new potatoes)
- Vegetarian/Vegan Option - Pumpkin & Spinach Wellington with cranberry, walnut, sauteed new potatoes, seasonal vegetables & vegan jus
- Dessert – Seasonal Fresh Fruit Crumble under an Oatmeal Crust & Vanilla Custard
- Coffee or Tea
We appreciate that some attendees may have special dietary requirements and would request that you indicate this on your application. We are able to cater for most requirements.
As usual, Associate Members are invited to the Reunion. However, they are not permitted to vote at the A.G.M.
While the Subscriptions remain the same as last year: £9.00 for Veterans and £6.00 for Associates, the meal prices have increased by £2.50. The meal costs are £37.50 (Veterans) and £42.50 (Associates) for a three-course meal with coffee/tea and complementary Coaster.
Although the meal prices have risen for the 2025 Reunion, the Association continues to subsidise the event.
Please fully complete the Subscription and 2025 Reunion application form here as soon as possible but not later than Friday 28th March 2025.
Even if you are not attending the Reunion, please ensure you renew your subscription since we have other running costs which need to be covered.
Please note that it is not acceptable for attendees to bring their own drink or food into the venue.
Your assistance is requested with the seating arrangements, and we ask you to indicate, on your application, with which Company or individuals you would prefer to sit (i.e. Comms, Mobile, Radar, Baddow, Basildon, Marine, MI). Please be aware that the maximum number of seats at a table is 8.
The total maximum number of places is 120, so be sure to book early to avoid disappointment.
We are compiling a list of forenames and nicknames in an effort to make the various lists less formal and enable people to distinguish between colleagues with similar initials. With regard to the name tags, this year clip on name tags will be provided which will be at the merchandise table so you can collect your label and ticket as you enter the Reunion area. Please return your name tag on leaving the Reunion.
When you order your ticket, please indicate, in the box provided, how you would like your tag to read. If you attended the Reunion in 2024, it will read the same, otherwise, THE DEFAULT WILL BE TO PRINT YOUR NAME AS IT APPEARS ON THE FIRST LINE OF YOUR ADDRESS LABEL. So, please fully complete the Subscription/Ticket application form
We are, as usual, inviting entries for the ‘Absent Friends’ book, containing messages from Members who were unable to attend. Two copies will be produced and prominently displayed at the Reunion. If you wish to place a message in the book, please use the space provided on the web application or paper form. Entries will be identified by name, but no contact details will be provided unless you include them within the message area.
Your Management Committee is prepared to receive any nominations, propositions or suggestions for submission to the Annual General Meeting providing they reach me in writing by 28th March 2025.
We now have over 50 active Associate Members of the Marconi Veterans’ Association and would be pleased to welcome more. If you know of anyone who would like to attend the Reunion, or just receive the newsletter, please urge them to contact me here as soon as possible. Alternatively, please take one of the information leaflets which will be available at the merchandise desk.
I am often not informed when a Veteran or Associate dies. Should you be aware of any Veterans or Associates who have passed away recently, I would appreciate it if you would let me know so that I can amend our records and avoid any future embarrassment.
We trust that you will accept this letter as a very cordial invitation to attend the Eighty-Eighth Reunion, but if, for any reason, you cannot be with us, the Management Committee would like to take this opportunity to once again wish you the very best of luck and good health for the future.
I look forward to seeing you at the 88th Reunion on 12th April 2025.
With kindest regards
I am yours sincerely
Veteran Colin Fletcher Secretary