I have been steered to your organisation by Grant Grafton secretary to RAF Fighter Controller Association. Grant and his wife stayed with us after we had invited him to a function that my wife and I were organising for Saturday 3 November to commemorate the ending of WW1 but also RAF 100. The event was held within the former GCI Station RAF Ripperston in south west Pembrokeshire (please see website www.sethousearts.com and follow the drop down menu for RAF Ripperston).
We felt very privileged with the attendance of Grant but also current and former members of the RAF and current Air Cadets. We are a family run enterprise that has been self-funded for the repair and maintenance of the site returning it back almost to its former condition. I give twice weekly tours and cover the history of radar and how the site fitted into the Dowding System. Unfortunately we have no previous electronic radar equipment to display but in an endeavour to give our visitors more of an experience I have been searching for some time to locate, if one exists, a former PPI radar console such that I can then install a PC inside running radar software.
Therefore my request is, would anyone in your organisation know if a console exists outside museums and if so whether it could be either purchased or donated for our future development? The radar in use at our site from 1942 onwards was a Type 7. I look forward to your reply and hope that we may be able to establish further contact on our common interest.