mva title

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We regret to report the deaths of the following Veterans and Friends, and extend our sympathy to the families of those mentioned.

At the request of some Veterans and Friends we have included Given names where these are known to us.

Where we have biographical details of a person these will be published in the Biographies (click here).

The Newsletters may also contain some Biographies - click here for the previous Newsletters page

TIPS on using the In Memoriam lists:

  • When you click on a link below you will open up the complete list of Deceased Veterans (or Deceased  Friends) in a new browser window  - a few thousand entries so it may take a few seconds depending on your Internet speed.
  • You can Sort by Surname / Known as (First Names or Nickname) / Company / Year Joined - however note for many we do not have all the details, so you may have to scroll to the bottom of the list to see Known As etc.
  • Most Browsers have a SEARCH function - usually <Ctrl> + f - this is very useful for searching for a name.
  • Company: W = The Marconi Company, M = Marine, RO = Radio Officer, I = Marconi Instruments, O = Other associated Company (however note where we do not have the company information for someone we will be using 'O').
  • Any errors please report to the Secretary. If we have not been notified of a death the information may not be correct.


In Memoriam list of Deceased Veterans

In Memoriam list of Deceased Friends